

Publisher and responsible for the content:
Hoist Finance AB (publ) Germany Branch
Schifferstr. 80
D-47059 Duisburg
Phone +49 2 03 75 69 0
Fax +49 2 03 80 48 1794

Branch Manager / Permanent Representative: Fabian Zwanzig

Location of the branch office: Duisburg

Registered in the commercial register: Duisburg Local Court: HRB 30328


Legal form: Independent branch of the Swedish public limited company Hoist Finance AB (publ) with registered office at Bryggargatan 4, SE-111 21 Stockholm (registered in the Swedish Commercial Register Bolagsverket under registration number 556012-8489).

Supervisory authority:

Hoist Finance AB (publ) is incorporated under Swedish law and operates with a full banking license under the general supervision of the Swedish Finansinspektionen, Box 7821, SE-103 97 Stockholm.  The German branch of Hoist Finance AB (publ) is registered as a branch of Hoist Finance AB (publ) with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with § 53b KWG. However, Hoist Finance AB (publ) Niederlassung Deutschland does not conduct banking business within the meaning of Section 1 (1) KWG.

The licensing/supervisory authority within the meaning of Section 5 (1) No. 3 TMG is the President of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court, Cecilienallee 3, 40474 Düsseldorf (also the registration authority pursuant to the Legal Services Act).

Registered in the legal services register, file number: 3712 E 1 - 6.107

The relevant professional regulations and provisions (RDG, RDGEG, RDV, RVG, etc.) can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice (http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/) and in extracts on the website of the Federal Association of German Debt Collection Agencies (http://www.inkasso.de/) under “Berufsrechtliche Pflichten”.

Hoist Finance AB (publ) German branch is a member of the Bundesverband Deutscher Inkassounternehmen e.V. (Federal Association of German Debt Collection Agencies).

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